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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The transforming power of beauty

St. Andrei Rublev yielded converts to the mere existence of God from the beauty of one icon (in particular)--the Holy Trinity... I am in awe of the gifts that are given to hands of this earth looking through the heavenly window. St. Joseph of Volotsk had this to say of Rublev's Holy Trinity~

"How the icon came into life, and how it does so for us now, are things we must imagine and describe. And it is precisely for such a a description that we on earth are given the Thrice-Holy Hymn to the One-in-Essence and Life-Giving Trinity whereby our immeasurable desiring and loving ascend in spirit to the icon's incomprehensible prototype so that, by means of its material appearance, our mind's thoughts fly to the heavenly Desiring and Loving where we venerate--not the material thing--but the manifestation of that which makes the material thing beautiful; hence, in a transference, we come to venerate not he icon but the prototype; and in so doing, the Holy Spirit illumines and enlightens us not only now but in the age that is coming when we shall receive the great, incomprehensible gift, the age when all the saints in their physical bodies shall shine with a light brighter than the very sun itself: and it shall happen so because, in kissing this icon with love, they venerate the One Essence of God in the three angelic persons of the icon as they pray to the Holy and Life-Giving Trinity--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--and give thanks to our God. "

Just a small reflection and great encouragement of man's ability, an artist in particular, to wholly serve his Maker...

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