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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Theotokos puts her trust in God

I am praying for grace as I have been sick the past few days. I sit with Emma in my arms and give thanks for this beautiful gift of life (and pray for healing and for endeavors laid forth that need answers--a sign?)...
To be servant of the Divine will, Mary poured her trust into the font of creation. We too must learn to trust in total humility the journey that God has put us on, to joyously accept and receive all that is, was and will be~

Thou art truly the mediatrix
of grace and joy...

As Saint John of Damascus says: " You are truly more precious than all of creation, for from you alone the Creator received a share of human nature. His flesh was made from your flesh, his blood from your blood;God was nourished by your milk, and your lips touched the lips of God. Incomprehensible and ineffable wonders!" (Homily on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary)

To trust, to trust, to trust...

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