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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Finding our way...

Enter with me the musings of the places we are called--interior heart and tangible walls... How to build up, fortify and glorify He who has given all. She the Church waits for us to love her. Three-dimentional icon of space and form--model of the universe, a vision of the redeemed, transformed cosmos-architectonic mimesis (reminder) of a divinely ordered universe. Incarnation. I keep thinking of my hands being able to praise with the creation of a house of worship that is as pure purfume poured forth. Beauty. Beauty that can transform souls simply by being allowed to enter its womb, even if briefly to taste and see.

To love and discern beauty. What are we being called to? Can we help to make manifest heaven on earth with beauty enough to glorify and give thanks for being given the chance to rise out of the dust? I want to rise higher. Climbing over fallen man and fallen self, I feel like such an infant--one who has not shouted from the hilltops the thanks that is due. What are the shackles that bind? All is possible. We who are dead to sin--

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have Mercy on me, a sinner..."

But hopefully I can get my voice to open (effort by effort) and be able to reverberate and echo in strength. To be a bird! But it is not just me. It is the us, the collective bouquet in varied manifestation of shape, form, color, sound lifting in effort, defining the light, revealing the ultimate creator, God himself. Truth. Being an artist is to be given the chance to be a participant in this making of beauty. Beauty will indeed save the world but we must go forth and claim creativity in His name. This will be saving beauty. This is Truth.

"But above all the eyes of the soul must be fixed on Christ, who, like a good painter, paints in those who believe in Him and constantly behold him, a portrait of the heavenly man, in his own image, by means of the Holy Spirit, out of the very substance of his ineffable light." --St. Macarios of Egypt

We can labor and start building. The trees have been cut, the stones and bricks are ready to be put into place. It is time for foundation to be laid. Time is our gift and time is now.

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