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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It has been strange this feeling of completion. There is something so final, a bit like death. Not a bad thing, but a definitive end to a phase of my learning. Time to move on. These icons I have lived with for the past two years are ready to enter the world. To speak, to interact with souls whom I don't even know. And I like that. I am happy to have been a means for creative and spiritual life to come into the world. And now they are.
How can there be such an enormous pause? I feel as if I have let a long exhale--all breath out. In my mind I am very eager for the inhale which will be deep. This time with Father Andrew. As of Friday, icons will be placed, and I will be able to start in to this next phase. I am hungry to go there. It is time.
Soren is one today. I still cannot remember where this past year has gone--time sliding so quickly. I am grateful for this little life so joyous and full with love. Amazing little one, with so much to give. Most beautiful living icon, Soren Basil Wiederspahn.
Just a brief moment to reflect and breathe again.
So all saints anointed with oil. Only my large Mandylion of Christ left to be oiled and finished.
Aaron's birthday coming as well.
And the trees are almost bare.
I give thanks to good things in my life--the gift of love. The simplicity of line and purpose.
Full and whole.

The icon above is one I just found--attributed to Rublev. I haven't seen it before, and even through the darkening is captivating. Off to find more.

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